We are very proud that bloggers all over the world have chosen to present Helenere to their readers: Jacq, Mandy and Ena Teo in Asia, Virginie in France, Rebecca, Sandra and Magpie in the UK, and even the most famous beauty youtuber of all times: Michelle Phan!

Jacq, the pen behind “Beauty Sketch”, was our very first reviewer, a beauty expert and Helenere lover from Hong Kong. Mandy and Ena Teo, respectively from the HK and Singapore, tried our Heledeweiss line and our Whitening Cream.

Virginie was our first reviewer from France and her test of our Hedelweiss Line and Purifying Tinted Cream followed the launch of Helenere Maitrise du Temps Serum in the French beauty box Ma Boite à Beauté. Many more French beauty bloggers are currently testing different products of our ranges, so keep an eye on our French Facebook page to stay up to date with the latest reviews!

bloggers reviews helenere

Beauty Blogger Rebecca from UK was the first to test and review our Heldeweiss 24H Cream and Gelenere Puriying gel, while Sandra and Magpie reviewed respectively our Perfect Neck Lifting, our Hedelweiss Serum and Purifying Pack, and of course, they loved them all!

But that’s not all: MissMakeupMagpie is currently hosting a giveaway on her blog! Enter the competition on her blog for a chance to win ANY Helenere product of your choice!

helenere giveaway

And finally, our biggest honor of all, the biggest beauty blogger and youtuber in the World, Michelle Phan, uses our Hedelweiss 24H Cream! Head over to the Instagram account to see for yourself! What an honor!

Keep following us on FacebookTwitter and on this blog because many more reviews, surprises and special offers are about to come!
