Summer is finally here, with its beautiful days, the holidays, the world cup in Brazil and of course, the sun! This wonderful ally of our physical and mental health! But let’s be careful: even if we all feel more beautiful when tanned, the sun carries several risks for our skin!


Because the ultraviolet rays (the well-known UVB and UVA) penetrate both in the epidermis and derma and can cause not only the premature ageing of the skin, but also skin cancers and serious eye-injuries. Moreover, UVB and UVA are invisible to the human eye and they are not associated with warmth: we are exposed to them without knowing!

How can I protect my skin?

Sun Lake Switzerland

First of all, even if you are not particularly sensible to the sunlight or if you are already tanned, you should not expose yourself to the sun in the warmest hours, between 12 and 4 pm. Then, the most effective way is surely to cover yourself up: sunglasses, large hat, t-shirt. And voilà you look like a Hollywood star incognito!

But covering yourself is not enough: you also have to use a sunscreen suitable for your skin (the more you are sensible to the sunlight, the higher the protection factor that you should choose). The sun protection should be applied before the sun exposure and the application repeated every 2 hours if you swim, make sport or stay under the sun for a long time. Choose a sun protection like our H-Perfect Sun Block SPF25 for your holidays!

Even if you are spending the summer in the city, it is always important to protect your skin from the sun: apply either your day cream and a sun screen afterwards or directly use a day cream with UVB and UVA filters. Indeed, all Helenere day creams contain filters against the ultraviolet rays! Discover them all here. You can also apply your makeup afterwards or use a foundation with sunscreen for a complete sunlight protection!

How can I prepare for the sun?

Everything starts at the table: drink a lot (and not alcoholic drinks but tepid water or fresh fruit juices) and eat healthily: fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin A, C and E. They will help you to better bear the warmth and also to get a beautiful golden shade while fighting premature skin ageing.

You should also prepare your skin well in advance! For the body, exfoliate and then apply a hydrating cream. For the face, choose the most appropriate exfoliator for your type of skin among our ranges and apply afterwards a hydrating mask; once you have gently removed the mask, apply a hydrating serum and/or cream (find the perfect one for your skin here). A well-hydrated skin and body is the secret to a perfect tan!

Is it true…?

Is it true that the sun helps skins with acne problems? Not really: you will first have the impression that your skin is getting better but a soon as you are back from the holidays you risk your acne to actually get worse. What to do then? Protect yourself and avoid tanning too much; also use a sunscreen without oils or specific for acne skin.

Helenere H-Perfect Sun Block SPF 25

Helpful links:

Our sunscreen

Our day creams with UV filters

Our exfoliators

Our masks
